Academy Soiree - Sunday, February 16

Please save the date for our annual Academy Soiree on Sunday, February 16! This event is a celebration of our community and a fundraiser to support our student-athletes and programs. We sent a calendar invite out this afternoon and will share more information this week on how to get your tickets. We hope to see you there!

This Week

Friday, January 17 - Optional Training for U10 and Up

Optional training for athletes on Fridays.

Saturday, January 18 - Sunday, January 19 - All Teams

Training for all Sugar Bowl Academy teams.

Saturday, January 18 - Instrasquad Race for Alpine U7, U10, and U12

Our first intrasquad race is on Saturday, January 18! All athletes in Alpine U7, U10, and U12 are invited to join. See below for details.

SBA Menu - Week of January 12

Grit, Grace, Courage

We have had a fantastic start to the season with lots of podiums, smiles, and fun! We know it takes a lot of time and energy to get your athletes here, and we appreciate all you do to make sure they’re set up for a great day on the hill.

Through all of our academic and athletic programs, we strive to bring out the unique potential of every athlete to develop strong moral character built on grit, grace, and courage. We want to help our athletes grow into great people.  Our athletes have many opportunities to practice grit, grace, and courage during training - while getting their gear out of the locker room in the morning, waiting in line to load the lift, helping a teammate after a crash, taking another try at a tricky drill, and watching a friend stand on the podium. These moments create personal growth, and our coaches and staff are here to help instill these lessons in our athletes.

While we can and do talk to our athletes about these qualities, no teaching method is as effective as modeling the behaviors we want our children to emulate. When an athlete sees a coach, teacher, staff member, or parent demonstrating grit, grace, and courage, they tend to follow that example. As parents, you can help us reinforce these messages by using the appropriate lift line, having lunch in the appropriate spaces, putting the bar down when you are riding the lift, and being respectful when communicating with staff. Thank you for your partnership in setting great examples for our athletes.


Alpine Intrasquad Race - U7, U10, and U12

We are happy to announce that our first Intra-Squad race of the year is right around the corner.  On Saturday, January 18, we invite athletes from the U7, U10, and U12 age groups to participate in our first of three in-house races.  The first race will be a one-run GS format.  All athletes are welcome and encouraged to participate.  This is a fantastic event and a healthy introduction to the competitive side of our sport.  Along with the timed portion of the competition, we are adding a bit of flair this year.  All competitors are encouraged to dress up for the event!  Wear your favorite, most wacky, and creative costume.  Coaches will pick the best costume from every age group, and winners will be announced at awards.

The schedule for the event is as follows.

9:45 am - Inspections opens

10:15 am - Competition starts

3:00 pm - Awards (in front of Village Hall)

Competition Order:

  • U10

  • U12

  • U7

Teams Competing in Multiple Venues - Results Later This Week

We have teams competing in Oregon, Northstar, Palisades, and Kirkwood over the weekend and will share results later this week once we have a chance to tabulate.


House Points Standings

Our Full Year and Winter Term student-athletes are divided into four houses and work together as a team to accumulate points for their houses. This week’s points standings:

  • Sentinel: 1,591

  • Albion: 1,486

  • Butte: 1,400

  • Elkhorn: 1,165

Join Ski Patrol

Have you ever wondered what it takes to be a ski patroller at Sugar Bowl? Have you thought that taking a sled down the Steilhang Face looks like a challenge and wondered if you could do it? Have you skied every run at Sugar Bowl? Do you want to give back and help others? Ski patrol at Sugar Bowl is made up of full-time paid staff and volunteers. There are many current and former team and academy parents that are on ski patrol. It’s a great way to take you skiing to the next level and give back to the community. Come check out how rewarding being a patroller is and what it takes to join our team. You can reach out to Paul Fossum or Tom Rumzie, and we can arrange a ski along with a current patroller or set up a ski check if you are ready to see if you’ve got what it takes and if patrol is right for you.

Upcoming Events

Monday, January 20 - SBA Closed

SBA will be closed on Monday, January 20 in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day with no academic or athletic programs.