College Counseling & Acceptances

SBA offers a comprehensive college counseling program designed to challenge and encourage our students. Students learn a lot as they go through the process of deciding what comes next. SBA has a veteran college counselor with the experience and insight to help every student find the best fit for their future.

Our priority is to find the ideal fit for you, whether that is skiing at one of the most competitive colleges and universities in the country or attending a private liberal arts college. Graduates go on to a wide variety of colleges, join the US Ski & Snowboard Team, or pursue a career passion.

College Counseling Process

Our college counseling program starts during 9th grade with meetings to guide your academic planning based on your goals.

In 10th grade, you have the opportunity to take practice SAT and ACT exams and begin to look at summer opportunities that may strengthen your college applications.

In 11th grade, students are enrolled in a College Application Process course. This course will help you prepare for the SAT and ACT exams, create college essays, develop your college list, and practice interview skills.

In 12th grade, students are enrolled in a College Application Process course to give students time to complete college applications and essays, prepare for the SAT and ACT, and get individual assistance from our college counselor.

College Acceptances

  • American University

  • Arizona State University

  • Babson College

  • Bates College

  • Boston College

  • California Lutheran University

  • California Poly State University

  • California State University, Long Beach

  • California State University, Monterey

  • California State University, SF

  • Clarkson University

  • Colby College

  • Colby-Sawyer College

  • Colgate University

  • Colorado Mountain College

  • Colorado School of Mines

  • Cornell University

  • Dartmouth College

  • Denver University

  • George Washington University

  • Georgia State University

  • Gonzaga University

  • Hamilton College

  • Harvard University

  • Hobart College

  • Ithaca College

  • Lafayette College

  • Lewis and Clark College

  • Middlebury College

  • Montana State University

  • New York University

  • Northern Arizona University

  • Northern Michigan University

  • Occidental College

  • Pepperdine University

  • Quest University

  • Reed College

  • Rice University

  • Santa Clara University

  • Saint Michael’s College

  • Saint Lawrence University

  • San Diego State University

  • San Francisco State University

  • Scrips College

  • Seattle University

  • Sonoma State University

  • Tufts University

  • Tulane University

  • University of California, Berkeley

  • University of California, Davis

  • University of California, Los Angeles

  • University of California, Merced

  • University of California, Santa Barbara

  • University of California, Santa Cruz

  • University of Chicago

  • University of Colorado, Boulder

  • University of Nevada, Reno

  • University of New Hampshire

  • University of Oregon

  • University of Pennsylvania

  • University of Puget Sound

  • University of the Redlands

  • University of San Francisco

  • University of St. Andrews, Scotland

  • University of Utah

  • University of Vermont

  • Utah State University

  • Washington State University

  • Washington University, St. Louis

  • Western State College

  • Westminster College

  • Whitman College

  • Williams College

  • William Smith College